Moose Flanagan is a young boy whose family moves to Alcatraz
Island for his father’s new job in the infamous prison. When he’s not busy caring for his autistic
sister, Moose becomes close friends with the warden’s troublesome daughter Piper. The two come up with a number of money-making
schemes, including convincing other kids that for a price, they too could have
their laundry done by one of the world’s most dangerous gangsters…Al Capone!
Although parts of this book are just as hilarious as the
title, the story is more than just a barrel of laughs. The most touching parts are about how Moose
tries his best to care for his autistic sister, Natalie, or how his parents
make such huge sacrifices to provide a better life for their kids. This book is an amazing story built around a
unique setting, and it’s no wonder that Ms. Choldenko eventually wrote two
sequels for us to enjoy!