This book tells the story of Milo, a bored young boy who
unexpectedly receives a tollbooth as a gift.
Not knowing quite what to do with this present, he drives through it in
his toy car and arrives in the Kingdom of Wisdom. There, he meets two troubled princesses named
Rhyme and Reason, and sets off on a quest to restore order to the Kingdom. Along the way, Milo rediscovers his love of
learning while exploring the literal meaning of many common idioms.
This story is a great adventure on the surface, but what
really makes the book is the epic quantity of puns inside. Anyone who enjoyed the wacky antics of Amelia
Bedelia would probably love The Phantom Tollbooth as well, particularly the
part where Milo finds himself “jumping” to an island called Conclusions. This is a smart, funny adventure for young
men of all ages, and if you haven’t read it already then you’re missing out.