Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane

Henry Fleming is a young soldier serving in the Union army at the height of the Civil War.  In his first battle, faced with a fierce onslaught of enemy fire, Henry does the unthinkable and flees from the fight.  Ashamed by his cowardice, Henry regretfully longs for a combat wound-- known as a “red badge of courage”-- to show the world that he really is capable of bravery.  As the War drags on, it’s almost inevitable that Henry will be offered a second chance.

One of the most impressive parts of this little book is its accuracy in depicting the multiple combat scenes.  While Mr. Crane was born after the conclusion of the Civil War, he is said to have interviewed hundreds of survivors in order to weave their experiences into the story.  “The Red Badge of Courage” is one of those great works of fiction that literally brings history to life, and I’d recommend it to any young men in search of something new (or in this case, something old!)

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