Sunday, August 23, 2015

Freckle Juice, by Judy Blume

Second-grader Andrew Marcus wants freckles.  He’s desperate to look like his friend Nicky Lane, who has freckles all over his face, ears, and neck.  Andrew even tried counting Nicky’s freckles one time, but he only got as far as eighty-six before his teacher caught him and told him to pay attention.  He’s tried everything to get the look he desires, including drinking a magic potion of “freckle juice”!  When it turns out that even secret recipes don’t work, Andrew takes matters into his own hands and uses a magic marker to draw dozens of brown freckles on his face! 

This short chapter book is an easy-to-read classic for boys or girls.  It’s almost guaranteed that your library will have it, so be sure to ask for “Freckle Juice” by name.  I enjoyed Mrs. Blume’s message about how you have to accept the body you’re born with, even when you might feel that you’re not as attractive as some of your friends.  Most of us are aware of the pressures that young women feel when it comes to their body image, but it’s easy to forget that young men often feel the same way!

“Freckle Juice” is a fast read for younger kids.  I’d have no problem recommending it to any boy who’s capable of working his way through one of the “Junie B. Jones” books, but who wouldn’t be caught dead reading a book about a GIRL!

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